This video, by Dr. Vizniak, of ProHealthSys, discusses the disparities between muscular and tendinous growth rates, Tendinopathies and other tendon injuries – and the long-term effects of sport-specific strength training programs.
Comparing the forearms of the Power Lifter and Rock Climber, Dr. Vizniak explains how the disparate, long-term demands of these two activities have resulted in very obvious tendon differences.
The forearm musculature of the two men appears similar – but the tendons of the Rock Climber are obviously twice (or nearly twice) the size of the Power Lifter’s tendons.
Dr. Tanner Alden, the Rock Climber, explains how the process of ‘Muscle Hypertrophy’ produces a much faster increase in muscle mass than the tendons of that muscle are INITIALLY able to adapt to.
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