Saturday, June 29, 2024

Alison Gold's Tennis Elbow Classroom Success Story

"I was terrified I would have to give up tennis… It’s gone now."
[Tennis Elbow] "I don’t have it. I’m playing better than I’ve played in a long time!" 

 — Alison Gold, Tennis Player, England

And here's the home treatment and exercise programs that Alison is referring to:

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

What Is DeQuervain's Syndrome?

Podcast cover: De Quervain's Syndrome

Mothers and fathers get this thumb injury from picking up their babies... Gamers from their controllers... Cell phone users from too much texting – And let's not forget percussionists, golfers and anglers!

You might think it's just a SIMPLE case of Tendonitis but it's actually a slightly more complicated tendon syndrome known as a 'Tenosynovitis.'

In the case of DeQuervain's, one that involves two thumb tendons and the special wrappers called 'Synovial Sheaths' around them where they cross the wrist.

  • TENO refers to the tendon – (Tendons are the "ropes" which connect muscles to bones)

  • SYNOV refers to the Synovial Sheaths – (which are special protective tendon sleeves) and

  • ITIS had to do with irritation, inflammation and pain – (although inflammation is not the primary issue and is often wrongly and unfairly blamed!)

Test yourself for it easily – If you have thumb pain but aren’t sure if it's actually De Quervain's Syndrome, try these three simple tests:

Three quick and easy tests you can do yourself for De Quervain's

And for the full article, visit:

What Is De Quervain's Tenosynovitis? AKA, Mommy Thumb Or Gamer's / Texter's Thumb [Article, Video]

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Here's my latest Tennis Elbow Classroom Podcst episode!

Saturday, January 20, 2024

3 Simple Tests For De Quervain's Syndrome / Mommy Thumb

How do you know if you have De Quervain’s Syndrome?

De Quervain’s Syndrome is a form of Tenosynovitis also known as Mommy Thumb, Smartphone Thumb and Gamer’s Thumb.

First of all, if you have De Quervain’s Syndrome, the worst symptoms will be on the back side of your thumb right at your wrist.

You may also have some pain and stiffness an inch or so down the back side of your thumb – And / or an inch or so up your forearm.

But the sharpest pain is almost always felt on the thumb side of the wrist.

This article was originally featured on – For the full article with the three simple tests you can do to assess and diagnose yourself, please visit:

Sunday, December 31, 2023

Do You Have Mommy Thumb Or Gamer's / Texter's Thumb?

Thumb pain: Mothers and fathers get it from picking up their babies… Gamers from their controllers… Cell phone users from too much texting – And let’s not forget percussionists, golfers and anglers!

It’s not a SIMPLE case of Tendonitis. It’s a more complicated tendon syndrome known as a ‘Tenosynovitis’ in this case, one that involves two thumb tendons and the special wrappers called ‘Synovial Sheaths’ around them where they cross the wrist.
  • TENO refers to the tendon – (Tendons are the “ropes” which connect muscles to bones)
  • SYNO refers to the Synovial Sheaths – (which are special protective tendon sleeves) and
  • ITIS had to do with irritation, inflammation and pain – (although inflammation is not the primary issue and is often wrongly and unfairly blamed – MORE on that later!)
Fritz De Quervain was a Swiss surgeon, who first described the condition about a century ago, and so it’s called ‘De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis.’

The Common Symptoms

The pain is felt on the back side of the thumb at the wrist (not the palm side) and it ranges from a dull ache to fiery, burning, even stabbing, pain with certain thumb and wrist motions.
  • Pain at the base of the dorsal thumb (back side of wrist on thumb side)
  • Stabbing pain with gripping and twisting motions (forget opening jars!)
  • Tenderness to the touch around the dorsal, radial wrist (back, thumb side)
  • Swelling / stiffness on the thumb side of the back of the wrist / lower forearm
  • A “snapping” or “catching” sensation in the wrist area with thumb movement
  • And fluid-filled cysts sometimes appear in this area at the same time
This article was originally featured on - For the full article please visit:

Thursday, December 28, 2023

NEW Program for De Quervain's Stenosing Tenosynovitis, Mother's Wrist / Texter's Thumb

Treat And Beat Your De Quervain’s / Gamer's/Texter's Thumb At Home

Discover how to end your vicious cycle of pain chasing and inflammation fighting – And start treating the true, underlying cause of your thumb pain yourself, at home by watching and following this step-by-step HD video program.

Does your thumb hurt?… Terrible, stabbing, searing pain every time you pick up your baby, your phone, game controller, golf club, fishing pole or even your coffee mug? It has many names

It has many names: Mommy’s Thumb, Texter’s Thumb, Gamer’s Thumb – Technically, it’s De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis… But, regardless what it’s called – It hurts like hell and it can be really disruptive to your life, as you know!

You’ve tried icing it, right? You’re probably taking more Ibuprofen than you’d really like, I would guess… And you’ve been told to wear that stupid, awkward brace around, no doubt…

Maybe you got desperate enough you resorted to getting a Cortisone Shot – But it just wore off after a few weeks…

And you might even be starting to worry you might need surgery at some point if it doesn’t get better soon!

You’ve done your best to follow the common wisdom and you’ve tried the conventional treatments but has anything helped you break out of the vicious cycle and actually recover?

If your answer is a frustrated, resounding “NO!” then maybe it’s time to consider a different course of action.

But, first, we need to talk about the real cause of this incredibly annoying, disruptive thumb injury, in order to see where we need to change course…

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Claudia's Tennis Elbow Classroom Success Story

"My Tennis Elbow, which I picked up from Kayaking, is now 99% cured thanks to Allen's method. I can't thank you enough!" – Claudia C.
Here are my home treatment and exercise programs that Claudia is referring to:

► For Tennis Elbow:
► For Golfer's Elbow:

Sunday, December 10, 2023

Golfer's Elbow Success Story - David S.

“It really had a profound effect, number one, on the way I serve but also the fact that I didn't feel any more pain. I highly recommend this program.”
Here is the program David is talking about: Golfer's Elbow Home Program