
Tuesday, February 19, 2019

New Stem Cell Injection Therapy For Tennis Elbow In Australia Looks Promising

A new, cutting edge tendon stem cell injection procedure for Tennis Elbow and other Tendinopathies, utilizing Orthocell's Autologous Tenocyte Injection (ATI) technology, is now being offered in Australia, having undergone at least 2 clinical trials - (Although it's not available in the United States yet.)

Stem Cell Treatment For Tennis Elbow On The Cutting Edge ‘Down Under’ was originally published on: (Read the full article there.)

In October of 2013, Orthocell Limited announced the results of a successful clinical trial of a tendon injury treatment, using its patented stem cell technology.

This clinical trial, apparently the first of its kind, was published in the American Journal of Sports Medicine (AJSM)

The way the study was conducted was:
  1. MRI scans taken – Patients with stubborn, severe cases of Tennis Elbow first had MRI scans,

  2. Tendons cells extracted from knee – Tendon cells were taken from the patients' healthy Patellar Tendons by needle biopsy (under local anesthetic)

  3. Tendons cells cultured and multiplied – The cells were expanded by in vitro culture in a lab, to produce larger numbers of tenocytes

  4. Tenocytes injected into damaged Tennis Elbow area – The tenocytes (tendon stem cells) were injected into the site of tendinopathy (the Tennis Elbow tendon ECRB) under ultrasound / sonogram guidance.

  5. Patients were reevaluated – Finally, the patients underwent clinical reevaluations and had follow up MRI scans 1 year after the procedure.

For more, read the full article here

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