
Monday, June 24, 2019

‘Swimmer’s Elbow’ Does Swimming Cause Tennis Or Golfer’s Elbow – Or Help You Rehab It?

Picture of swimmer: How swimming causes Tennis Elbow

Is swimming good or bad for Tennis Elbow or Golfer's Elbow? (Does it cause or aggravate it?) And could swimming possibly be a good rehab exercise – Especially if swimming didn't cause it? (OR should you definitely stop swimming until your injury heals?)

‘Swimmer’s Elbow’ Does Swimming Cause Tennis Or Golfer’s Elbow – Or Help You Rehab It? was originally published on: (Read the full article there.)

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Do Topical Tennis Elbow Treatments Rub You The Right Way?

Podcast Cover for Topical Tennis Elbow Treatments

Do Lotions, Creams And Sprays Help Your Tennis Elbow Heal?

Lotions, sprays and medicated gels are often used to relieve the pain of Tennis and Golfer's Elbow...

But can these topical remedies actually help your injured tendons heal – or are they more likely to just rub you the wrong way?

This is Allen Willette with another episode of the Tennis Elbow Classroom podcast…

And I certainly get it that when your Golfer's or Tennis Elbow is screaming bloody murder...

And you can barely lift your coffee mug without stabbing pain in your elbow, (much less your tennis racket, golf clubs or leaf blower)... 

You may desperately need some relief, so you buy some cream, spray or gel and rub it in… Presto! Instant relief!

Great idea, right? Well, maybe, maybe not!

At best, you may get some temporary relief from your symptoms with little or no downside…

But, here's the thing… although you could reasonably expect a cream or salve to help protect your skin as it heals from a cut or abrasion...

You can't realistically expect something you put on your skin to help your Tennis or Golfer’s Elbow injury heal faster… Okay, so, why not?

Here's the link to the full article if you'd like to read along:

Topical Treatments For Tennis Elbow: Lotions, Potions And Creams, Oh My!

And while you're there, get my free video course:

'Tennis Elbow 101' – (6 videos on Tennis AND Golfer's Elbow)

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Here's my latest Tennis Elbow Classroom Podcst episode!