
Thursday, March 28, 2019

Gardener’s Elbow? How Gardening Causes Elbow Pain And Injury – And How To Treat It

How Gardening Causes Elbow Injury

Can gardening and landscaping injure you? It certainly can! Here's how it causes Tennis Elbow, Golfer's Elbow and other wrist and thumb tendon injuries – And how to treat it right, so you can keep digging, planting, pruning and enjoying!

Gardener’s Elbow? How Gardening Causes Elbow Pain And Injury – And How To Treat It was originally published on: (Read the full article there.)

Saturday, March 16, 2019

3 Ways CrossFit Puts You In The Crosshairs For Tennis And Golfer's Elbow Injuries

Among CrossFit athletes, Tennis Elbow and Golfer's Elbow seem to be an all-too-common affliction (as well as other injuries!)

Is there something inherent in the CrossFit style of working out and weight lifting that predisposes one to a much higher risk of injury?

I know I may take some heat for this. I’m sorry CrossFitters, but I have to say it looks the answer is undoubtedly, yes!

And I hope this post helps shed some light on the issue. Here's the full article:

Article About The Ways CrossFit Puts You At Risk For Injury

originally published at:

Saturday, March 2, 2019

Physiotherapist / Researcher Jill Cook Discusses Tendinopathies And Physical Therapy

In this somewhat technical video, Professor and Researcher Jill Cook, from Latrobe University in Melbourne, AU, discusses the current thinking and model for Tendinopathy rehabilitation in Physiotherapy – particularly when it comes to the interests of athletes.

Physiotherapist / Researcher Jill Cook Discusses Tendinopathies And Physical Therapy was originally published on: (Read the full article there.)