
Saturday, August 27, 2016

Taking Another Shot At Cortisone For Treating Tennis Elbow

The Cortisone injection as a treatment for Tennis Elbow came under fire again this week by Gretchen Reynolds, of the New York Times, who takes another shot at the idea that Cortisone is a valid 'Quick Fix' for Tennis Elbow. (Is the short-term relief worth the long-term costs?)

In the article, For Tennis Elbow, No Such Thing as a Quick Fix Gretchen begins by affirming the continued popularity of the Cortisone shot as a Tennis Elbow treatment:
"Recent surveys in the United States and Britain show that injections of the steroid, which rapidly dulls pain and fights inflammation, are the preferred first line of treatment among many orthopedic specialists."
And then immediately raises the issue of the risks involved with these shots, referring to the:
"...growing evidence suggests that the injections, while effective in the short term, can frequently worsen the condition in the months that follow..."
She cites a study from Norway published in BioMed Central's Musculoskeletal Disorders Journal, which suggests that Cortisone injections, while effective in the short term for Tennis Elbow (in relieving pain) frequently worsen the condition in the months to come:

This is not the first study showing positive short-term benefits to be followed by negative long-term outcomes. It has been preceded by many other studies and papers going back 20+ years, which suggest that Corticosteroid shots delay healing and weaken tendons.

In an Oct. 2010 New York Times Well Blog post, (for some reason not linked to in the more recent post) Phys Ed: Do Cortisone Shots Actually Make Things Worse?

Gretchen refers to one of those studies, featured in the Lancet:

Efficacy and safety of Corticosteroid Injections and other Injections for Management of Tendinopathy...
"Over all, people who received cortisone shots had a much lower rate of full recovery than those who did nothing or who underwent physical therapy. They also had a 63 percent higher risk of relapse than people who adopted the time-honored wait-and-see approach."
Another point the author makes consistently between these two articles (which I applaud!!) is that the overwhelming evidence shows that Tennis Elbow is a condition marked by degenerative changes and not inflammation, as is so often incorrectly, robotically parroted by medical websites, Doctors P.T.s and other sources and authorities.
"...numerous studies have shown, persuasively, that these overuse injuries do not involve inflammation." [2010 N.Y.T. article]
"Newer science, however, including biopsies of the sore tissues, shows little inflammation, except in the very early stages of the injury. Instead, it is thought to involve degeneration of the tissues..." [2016 N.Y.T. article]
I've been quoting these medical studies, papers and references since the early 2000s myself, trying to make Tennis Elbow and other Tendinopathy sufferers aware that the old "inflammatory model" was dead and gone, and that there is no healing value in "chasing" inflammation with pills, ice and, worst of all, Cortisone Shots.

Regardless of whether inflammation is there or not and whether these so-called treatments "treat" that inflammation effectively or not!

It doesn't matter. Inflammation is an aspect of the healing process, anyway!

It's an essential, "can't actually heal without it" necessity for which there is NO upside to treating, managing, reducing or otherwise suppressing - especially if one succeeds in completely eradicating it!

The sad thing is that Cortisone is so efficient at blocking and suppressing inflammation (and collagen synthesis, it seems) that it apparently leaves the damaged area at disadvantage - and in the case of multiple shots - possibly a state that is impossible to repair and recover from.

(But you may need to dig a little deeper into the medical studies and their terminology to really get that key knowledge.)

Here's my original article where I discuss that and reference some of those studies if you'd like to learn more:

Here's my Cortisone Shots podcast episode, above - And you'll find that podcast, as well as my Cortisone video along with the full post, here: (Click image below.)

Monday, August 15, 2016

Do Golfers Get Tennis Elbow?

Do Golfers also get Tennis Elbow? Yes, quite often, in fact.

Curiously, a glance at golf magazine websites, medical studies and surveys suggests that not only do golfers get Tennis Elbow, they actually suffer this injury more often than Golfer's Elbow!

(Although, statistically, there are many more cases of both injury types among people who don't play tennis or golf!)

In this podcast Allen Willette, 'Tennis Elbow Tutor' covers these related questions and more:

  • What's the difference between Tennis and Golfer's Elbow?
  • How and where do golfers develop this injury?
  • Why do golfers suffer Tennis Elbow more often than Golfer's Elbow?

For the full post, including links to sources, visit:

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Here's my latest Tennis Elbow Classroom Podcst episode!

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Playing Tennis With A Tennis Elbow Injury

Is it completely necessary to stop playing tennis or golf when you have a Tennis Elbow injury? – Or can you "play through it" IF you’re careful?

And if you decide to take time off to focus on healing and rehab, when is it safe to start playing again?

The good news is, although it’s probably always wiser to take time off, it is entirely possible to keep playing and still recover, with two caveats:

  1. As long as your injury isn’t TOO severe, And…
  2. You do the right things to treat it in the process.

In the spirit of helping you continue to play, this podcast covers 5 key guidelines / tips…

As well as some suggestions on when you should start playing again – if you need to take time off to rest.

See also these related podcasts and articles:

PODCAST: Do You Really Need to Rest? Why Rest Is RUST - (Mentioned in this podcast)

PODCAST: Will A Brace Help You Heal? - (Also mentioned)

PODCAST: Avoid These Exercises When You Have Tennis Elbow – (Related)

And here’s the full article, including this podcast:

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And to get all my latest of everything, including posts, podcasts and videos, follow on your favorite social media:

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Here's my latest Tennis Elbow Classroom Podcst episode!

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Avoid These Exercises When You Have Tennis Elbow

Which upper-body exercises should you avoid, stop for the time being or modify when you have a Tennis Elbow injury?

Should you use dumbbells or is it better to use barbells? What about muscle isolation; is it better to do more general exercises and avoid getting too specific?

In this episode, Allen Willette from Tennis Elbow Classroom covers the following strength-training / weight-lifting questions and concerns:

  • General Thoughts On Exercising While You’re Injured
  • Barbells Vs. Dumbbells (And Kettlebells) Does It Matter?
  • Basic Types Or Classes Of Exercise To Avoid – And Why
    • – All-Or-Nothing Exercises
    • – Long-Lever / Extended-Elbow Exercises
    • – Shoulder-Stability-Challenging Exercises, etc.
  • Specific Upper-Body Exercises To Skip – And Why
    • – Reverse Biceps Curls
    • – Deltoid Raises
    • – Cable Exercises
    • – Upright Rows

See also this important, related podcast:

Working Out Wisely When You Have Tennis Elbow (Can You?)

And for the full article on exercises to avoid – with this podcast embedded go to:

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Here's my latest Tennis Elbow Classroom Podcst episode!

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Working Out Wisely With Tennis Elbow

Should you continue working out with weights or doing any kind of upper-body strength-training exercise if you have Tennis Elbow?

Does it make any difference what originally caused your injury? – Whether it was originally caused by:

  • Weight lifting in the first place?
  • From playing tennis or golf?
  • From computer use?
  • OR from heavy, physical work?

Allen Willette from Tennis Elbow Classroom, answers these and other Tennis Elbow related exercise questions in this episode.

Your needs will vary, depending on whether your injury originates from low-intensity / high duration work, like computing…

Medium to high intensity (but shorter duration) sports like tennis and golf…

Or long-duration, heavy, physical work, like construction.

For the full article with video and this podcast embedded go to:

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And to get all my latest of everything, including posts, podcasts and videos, follow on your favorite social media:

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Here's my latest Tennis Elbow Classroom Podcst episode!

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Smashing The Tennis Elbow Inflammation Myth!

What's the first thing they tell you to do when you have Tennis Elbow?

"Reduce" the inflammation – Right? Well, here's why you can forget all about that!…

Inflammation the biggest Tennis Elbow fallacy of all time – And you don't actually have to chase, treat or worry about it.

In-depth post, video and podcast here:

Here's why you don’t have to put up with the stomach-churning pills, the constant icing and the damaging Cortisone shots…

Why the inflammation-fighting, reducing / "managing" approach to treating Tennis Elbow (also known as 'Lateral Epicondylitis' or 'Elbow Tendonitis') is a complete dead end and may do you more harm than good.

(Despite everything you may have read or been told AND in spite of the fact that your Tennis Elbow may FEEL like it’s inflamed!)

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And to get all my latest of everything, including posts, podcasts and videos, follow on your favorite social media:

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Here's my latest Tennis Elbow Classroom Podcst episode!

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

How Long Does It Take To Recover From Tennis Elbow?


How long does it take to fully recover from a Tennis Elbow injury? Some injuries seem to only take weeks to heal, while others take months or even years – Why is that?

And is there a way to speed up your Tennis or Golfer's Elbow healing process?

Full, detailed post with video and podcast:

Here's my latest Tennis Elbow Classroom Podcst episode!

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Subscribe To The Tennis Elbow Classroom Podcast

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