
Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Should You Keep Working Out If You Have Tennis Elbow?

Cardio? Absolutely! Upper-Body Weights? It Depends!

If you have Tennis Elbow or Golfer’s Elbow you can certainly continue with your cardio exercise and lower-body work out (that’s probably obvious and uncontroversial!)...

The real question is: Should you continue to lift weights or do upper body strength training? (With or without weights or equipment)

It depends on how severe your injury is, naturally - But it also makes a big difference HOW you developed your Tennis Elbow...

Here's The Full Post On Working Out Wisely With Tennis Elbow

Here's the "Working Out Wisely With Tennis Elbow" Podcast

And the video on YouTube

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Can You Still Do Upper Body Strength Training When You Have Tennis Elbow?

You can certainly continue with your cardio exercise and lower-body work out - Not much controversy about that! - (And it should be helpful to your recovery) - BUT, should you continue to lift weights?